Plenary Session II - A Splash in the Face – industry awakens to water scarcity - led by Aramco
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM

As we are moving into an era of adaption to climate change, water related topics are front and center of it. While individuals, communities and regions are already today severely affected, water availability & quality has also become a key issue for many business verticals moving the topic from a sustainability to a CFO and COO matter. The panel will dive into the details by discussing the following key questions:

  1. What are the different water related challenges corporates face? 
  2. How do corporates respond to these?
  3. What are additional drivers?
    1. Regulatory? 
    2. Company rating & shareholder value? 
  4. What are resulting promising areas of investment for the VC community?
Jim Rekoske Eliza Roberts Patricia Calderon Richard Riggs Helge Daebel